This has proved another busy and successful year for Rykneld Homes.

The new Tenant Satisfaction Measures were introduced with great results – 84.8% of customers reported they were satisfied or very satisfied with overall services provided by Rykneld Homes. Thank you to everyone who responded.

Our housing services were inspected against the new Consumer Standards. The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) can award judgements of C1 (the highest) to C4 (the lowest) - the C stands for Consumer Standard. We were awarded C2 – the highest any Council landlord has received to date.

The judgement stated NEDDC/RHL:

  • has appropriate systems in place to manage its health and safety responsibilities
  • is managing the risks associated with damp and mould
  • offers tenancies which are compatible with the needs of individual households and sustainability of the community
  • adopts a respectful approach to tenants and understands their diverse needs
  • delivers fair and equitable outcomes for tenants
  • offers a range of meaningful opportunities for tenants to hold it to account
  • regularly provides a range of relevant and accessible information to tenants
  • handles complaints effectively and promptly.

“The RSH grade and inspection report reflect the determination and dedication of our teams to ensure all of our tenants live in safe decent homes and feel heard and supported. We’re working with the RSH on making the improvements suggested by inspectors - many of which we had already started prior to the inspection - to further demonstrate our commitment to customers and work towards a C1 judgement.”

Lorraine Shaw, Managing Director of Rykneld Homes

Tenant Satisfaction

Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023-24

Than ou for everyone who responded to the Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2023/24.

Your views and comments about the housing services we deliver for you are really important.

Your feedback helps us to identify what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements.

To the question:

Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Rykneld Homes?
84.8% of customers reported they were satisfied / very satisfied

Some of the key results from the survey are included below. If you wish to view the full set questions, the results and the approach taken to deliver the survey in compliance with the Regulator of Social Housing's requirements, please visit the Tenancy Satisfaction Measures page on our website.

  • 89.2% Satisfaction with the Repairs service
  • 75.6% Satisfaction that Rykneld Homes keeps you informed
  • 71.1% Satisfaction that Rykneld Homes listens to you views and acts on them
  • 68.5% Satisfaction that Rykneld Homes makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods
  • 85.8% Satisfaction that Rykneld Homes treats you fairly and with respect
  • 72.9% Satisfaction that Rykneld Homes keeps communal areas clean and well maintained.

In 2023/24, we received and investigated a total of 51 formal complaints, of which 100% of Stage 1 and 90.9% of Stage 2 complaints were responded to within the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code timescales. Below is a breakdown of the service areas where we have responded to complaints and the outcomes.

  • Service Area - Anti Social Behaviour
    Upheld - 0
    Not Upheld - 1
    TOTAL - 1
  • Service Area - Asset Investment
    Upheld - 1
    Not upheld - 0
    TOTAL - 1
  • Service Area - Choice Move
    Upheld - 0
    Not upheld - 3
    TOTAL - 3
  • Service Area - Damp
    Upheld - 7
    Not upheld - 1
    TOTAL - 8
  • Service Area - Housing and Support
    Upheld - 2
    Not upheld - 4
    TOTAL - 6
  • Service Area - Multiple Service Areas
    Upheld - 4
    Not upheld - 1
    TOTAL - 5
  • Service Area - Regeneration
    Upheld - 9
    Not upheld - 0
    TOTAL - 9
  • Service Area - Rents
    Upheld - 0
    Not upheld - 2
    TOTAL - 2
  • Service Area - Repairs and Maintenance
    Upheld - 11
    Not Upheld - 2
    TOTAL - 13
  • Service Area - Voids
    Upheld - 1
    Not upheld - 2
    TOTAL - 3
    Upheld - 35
    Not upheld - 16
    TOTAL - 51

Learning From Complaints

Each complaint we receive is treated as an opportunity for us to learn and to improve our services. The actions that have taken place as a result of learning from complaints in 2023/24 include:

  • Reviewing and improving the Equality, Inclusion and Diversity Policy and Delivering Services to Vulnerable Persons Policy
  • Reviewing and improving the Equality Impact Assessment Process and undertaking staff training to ensure customers circumstances are effectively considered during service delivery
  • Improved communication for customers by requiring specific service teams to put any agreed actions with customers in writing
  • Improving the Adaptations Policy to ensure customers are given advice and support when referred for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)
  • Increased capacity in our Complaints Team by appointing a new member of staff to support customers during the complaints process
  • TSM Satisfaction with complaints handling was 43%. This is inline with the claims not upheld at 45%. RHL's complaints service is compliant with the Housing Ombudsmans Complaint Handling Code, we will continue to seek ways to improve this service. 
Performance Dashboard 2023/24
  • Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out
    = 99.9%
  • Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out
    = 100%
  • Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out
    = 100%
  • Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out
    = 100%
  • % of emergency repairs carried out within timescale
    = 98.2%
  • % of non-emergency repairs carried out within timescale
    = 98.1%
  • Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard
    = 8.7%
  • Proportion of homes for which all required Fire Risk Assessments have been carried out
    = 99.2%
Business Plan Key Priority: Improve Existing Housing

In 2023/24 we delivered the Councils £21.2 million Major Works programme.

The program has proved successful with customer satisfaction at 97%.

The following key component upgrades to homes were complete:

New heating systems 289
Bathroom and shower replacements 92
New kitchens 105
Rewires 57
External Wall Insulation and external works 295
New windows 218
New roofs 116
Adaptations 89
Voids works to Decent Homes standards 346
Business Plan Key Priority: Increase Housing Growth

Rykneld Homes works with NEDDC to increase the number of affordable and social homes in the district. In the last year we have purchased homes in the following areas:

  • Higham fields – 5 new 2-bedroomed houses for affordable rent
  • Shirland – 4 new 1-bedroomed houses for affordable rent
  • Calow - 9 new houses - 8 x 1-bedroomed houses and 1 x 2-bedroomed house.

Whiteleas Avenue, North Wingfield

The Whiteleas started on site in September 2023.

The first new properties will be handed over by the developers in July 2024. 70 new homes 48 for affordable rent and 22 will be sold on the open market.

Stonebroom - 77 new two-bedroom bungalows

Subject to planning permission, 77 new two bedroom bungalows will replace the old pre-fabricated bungalows at Stonebroom.

We have taken on board the views and needs of people who live in the bungalows to shape the options we are proposing for redevelopment.

Following consultation with the tenants we have undertaken short term works until the redevelopment works can commence. This has included works to defective windows, mastic seals and improved security.

The redevelopment works is scheduled to start in 2024/25.

Equality Objective Delivery

Equality Objective 1: Improve Accessibility of Services (Equality)

  • We have delivered training to staff and contractors that need to undertake equality impact assessments to ensure that customers' vulnerabilities are fully considered when delivering services
  • The Tenant Scrutiny Panel commenced their review of the new website including accessibility checks in December 2023. They will report their findings in 2024.

Equality Objective 2: Support people to live independently and sustain their tenancy (Equality)

  • Our Business Plan 2023/27 sets a target to deliver 400 new homes. We are on course to deliver against this target - to date the total number of approved homes through new build and buy backs is 276
  • We have supported NEDDC to review its Adaptations Policy. The updated policy will ensure consistency of service delivery and provide more support and advocacy to help applicants consider different routes to secure applications.

Equality Objective 3: Support all customers to shape service delivery (Inclusion)

  • We have promoted the complaints service on the website and through Your Rykneld to ensure that everyone can make a formal complaint. We have confirmed compliance with the Housing Ombudsman Services Complaint Handling Code to ensure the service provided meets best practice
  • Your Scrutiny Team continue to undertake reviews of service areas and make recommendations to the Board to improve services. 2023/24’s projects included customer satisfaction with the Contact Centre and the Lettable Standard.

Equality Objective 4 – Support and promote the diversity of Communities and Rykneld Homes (Diversity)

  • The Community Involvement Team have delivered events including summer holiday projects for children and young people, funded by the Government’s Holiday Activity Fund.
    These included:
    • Eckington
    • Stonebroom
    • Mickley
    • Renishaw
    • North Wingfield
    • Holmgate.
  • We delivered a Kurling tournament in Eckington suitable for customers with limited mobility, tea dances aimed at elderly customers and two ‘Share the Warmth’ events aimed at giving out donated winter clothing to families. We’ve also attended community market days and galas, run cooking sessions and clean ups.
Where your money is spent

Service Delivery Expenditure 2023/24

The expenditure to provide all services was £11,943,962. This includes Repairs and Maintenance, Housing Management and Customer Services.

The chart below gives more detail about the service areas that the (Revenue Budget) covers and the breakdown between the main service areas. You can find more information including the Final Accounts and Financial Statements on the key documents page of the Rykneld Homes website.

Repairs and Maintenance - 58%
Includes: gas, electrical servicing and Health and Safety

Neighbourhood Services - 30%
Includes: Anti Social Behaviour, estate management, rent collection and Choice Move

Customer Services - 12%
Includes: Call Centre, Community Involvement, website, IT and communications.

Community Involvement

Operational Group Board - A Customer Perspective

Our Operational Group Board (OGB) is made up of Rykneld Homes (RH) customers, who come together throughout the year. They meet with RH members of staff to learn about how the organisation is performing and give their input on proposed service improvements.

Service Standards

Our biggest consultation this year was all about RH’s Service Standards. It asked customers to tell us which services were most important to them. We received 644 responses to the survey and this information is being used to help us create a new set of standards, so they match up to what our customers care about the most.

The new service standards that come out of this process will be promoted to customers in 2024/25.

Key Themes and Achievements

This year the group have focussed on a range of key areas and have helped RH departments across the organisation develop and instil a number of policies and working documents. These have included:


  • Repairs Policy
  • Delivering Services to Vulnerable People Policy
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Business Plan
  • Customer Annual Report
  • Damp Mould and Condensation Policy.


  • Service Standards
  • Consultation Website and Home Contents Insurance
  • Performance Workshop
  • Permanent and Temporary Moves.

The OGB works closely with other involvement groups, including the Your Scrutiny Panel and the Digital Involvement Group (DIG).

The DIG is made up of over 300 customers, who receive regular online surveys from RH. These surveys help RH to canvas customer views so we can continuously improve our services.

Your Scrutiny Team

The Your Scrutiny Team (YST) is a group made up of customer volunteers who come together regularly to investigate how RH is performing in specific areas of the business. They conduct detailed research and write up a report with recommendations for service improvements. This report is then provided to the Board, who provide feedback on the recommendations and ensure those that are accepted are enacted.

Key Themes and Achievements

Lettable Standard

The Scrutiny Panel investigated if RH’s current Lettable Standard is still suitable and relevant for customers.

It was identified that the Lettable Standard should be considered a good example of best practice countrywide but there is always room for improvement.

The Panel made 11 recommendations to RH Board with nine of these being accepted.

These included:

  • Transfer inspections will now be carried out by the Housing Officers and Surveyors so it can be agreed at the inspection if the floor coverings can be left in the property. This training is now being delivered to RH staff
  • Satisfaction Surveys will be revisited between 3–6 months after the customer has moved into the property so the customer has more time to reflect on their experience and condition of their new home
  • Specifications for individual works will be made available to customers upon request
  • More advice about damp and mould will be included in the revised version of the Lettable Standard.

Contact Centre Satisfaction

The Panel reviewed how Contact Centre performance compared to other similar organisations. The always high performing Customer Advice Support Team delivered excellent service to customers and the methodology of how it captures its satisfaction data is well executed. The Panel made three recommendations to Board and all were accepted:

  • Implementation of new ways of gathering satisfaction data from calls, such as an automated survey at the end of the customers call and a text message survey to a sample of customers who called that day
  • A new Customer Satisfaction Policy to be implemented
  • Rykneld Homes will consider a recognised accreditation for the Contact Centre.

The Work Plan 2024/25 will include:

  • Revisiting reporting a repair
  • Health and Safety in properties
  • Estate Standards.

Annual Report 2023-24

PDF | 18828Kb

Annual Report 2022-23

PDF | 8428Kb

RHL Annual Report 2021 22

PDF | 7591Kb

Annual Report 2020-21

PDF | 3081Kb

Annual Report 2019-20

PDF | 11312Kb

Annual Report 2018-19

PDF | 5495Kb

Annual Report 10 YEARS & Value For Money 2016-17

PDF | 5085Kb