We can offer support to help you:
- Identify and report a repair to your home
- Keep your appointment or reschedule if it is no longer convenient
- Look after and maintain your home and appliances.
Here is the process we usually follow when you call us to report a repair:
- Customer completes our online Report a Repair form
- A Customer Service Advisor calls the customer back and takes details of the repair. The details are input into the computer system
- A suitable appointment is arranged with the customer (emergency, urgent or routine)
- If necessary, an appointment is arranged for the Inspector to visit the property and assess the repair
- The repairs system automatically allocates a job number which will be scheduled in an Operative's diary
- The Operative will receive their appointments for the day and ensure, where possible, they have the necessary materials/equipment in their van
- The Operative will visit the property and carry out the repair
- If any follow-on work is needed, this will be reported to the Planned Repairs Team who will contact the Customer to arrange an appointment.
Please ensure the work area is clear before your appointment by moving furniture and other goods so the repair can be completed.
We will make reasonable arrangements to protect furnishings, for example, by covering carpets and furniture. We will not, however, compensate for items that have not been removed if they are damaged during works.
If you have a mobility/vulnerability issue that means you are unable to move furniture, please let us know when you book the repair and we will provide reasonable support.
If you are unable to keep an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.
Following the first unsuccessful (appointed) visit we will contact you on two further occasions to reappoint the repair. After this we will write to you.
If the repair does not pose a health and safety risk, the job will be cancelled requiring you to re-report it if still required. If the repair is a suspected health and safety risk, we will start a legal process to gain entry so the repair can be undertaken.
We will always work with you to arrange an appointment and complete repairs successfully.
Delays to responsive repairs may occur where circumstances are outside of our control. This includes extreme weather, non-availability of parts and materials, or where component replacement is required. We will keep you informed of timescales and arrange the work with you.
There are certain responsibilities when it comes to keeping your home in a reasonable state of repair. There are things you have responsibility for and Rykneld Homes has responsibility for in terms of the repairs to your home.
Your responsibilities include:
- When you report a repair, ensure you keep the agreed appointment/arrangements to allow us access to carry out the work
- Ask to see the identification of any of our workmen or contractors before they enter your home
- Try to remove any furniture or floor coverings around the repair to allow it to be completed safely and without causing damage to your belongings
- The costs of putting right any damage to your home that has not been caused by fair wear and tear
- Keeping dogs away from the work area during repairs, to prevent any accidents or injury to your pet
- Keeping internal decorations in good order
- General housekeeping
- The maintenance and repair of fencing and hedging
- WC seats
- Light bulbs, plugs and fuses
- Replacement of rewireable fuses in the main fuse box
- Sweeping flues used by solid fuel appliances (we sweep them once a year as part of the annual service but you should have them swept more frequently)
- Fire parts required due to misuse of the appliance
- The replacement of door locks and keys, where keys are missing or locks deliberately damaged
- Any items fitted by a previous customer and accepted by yourself on taking over the tenancy
- Resetting the circuit breakers on the consumer unit
- Removing blockages from sink and basin
- Repressurising your combi boiler
- Relighting the pilot light
- Renewing batteries to heating controls, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
- Setting heating controls, including timed programmes
- Any alterations or improvements which you have made to the property except for:
- A central heating boiler or central heating installation, which has been approved by Rykneld Homes and is more than 12 months old and no longer guaranteed by the manufacturer
- A vehicle hardstanding area for which you are making weekly payments to Rykneld Homes for its upkeep.
For more information about repair responsibilities please get in touch.
Our responsibilities include:
The outside of your home including walls, chimney, roof, external doors and windows and surface and foul water drainage, gates or clothes posts provided by us, external paths and steps providing access to front and rear entrance doors or council-built outbuildings and communal areas of flats.
The inside of your home including the installations for the supply of water, gas and electricity, the heating installation and finishings, components and fixtures and fittings we have fitted.
- When a property is sold freehold
- When a Right to Buy application is submitted
- We will not repair any property belonging to the customer
- Any items where the customer has the repairing obligation
- Fencing (except in special circumstances).
You must keep your home clean and in an acceptable condition. We reserve the right to refuse to undertake repairs if there are any health and safety risks to our employees.
Emergency repairs will be carried out; however, this may lead to services such as electricity, gas and water to be isolated until the area is safe.
Where the condition of the property results in the necessary repairs being delayed, we reserve the right to charge you for any subsequent work.
Decorating your home is a customer responsibility. If your decorations are damaged because of the repair process, we will provide decoration vouchers for a local DIY store so you can buy the materials to make good to your decorations.
Sometimes we have to carry out repairs to a property where damage has been caused - either deliberately or through neglect - by a customer, their family, visitors or lodgers.
Under the Tenancy Agreement, we are entitled to charge the customer for the cost of the repair.
Typical examples include:
- Putting right damage to a solid fuel heating appliance caused by neglect or misuse
- Reinstating roof tiling damaged by your TV aerial contractors
- Carrying out repairs and making good damage resulting from a burst where you have neglected to have the plumbing installation drained down before leaving the property unoccupied
- Clearing the dwelling, its outbuildings or garden of belongings, waste or rubbish when you terminate your tenancy
- Carrying out temporary works to make safe where alterations you have carried out to the property have rendered it unsafe
- Reinstatement where you have carried out improvements but failed to comply with conditions imposed by Rykneld Homes when granting approval (e.g. at termination of tenancy you have removed fixtures which should have been left or left fixtures which should have been removed)
- Clearing an overgrown garden
- Cleaning or decorating the interior of the dwelling to restore it to a state which is acceptable to Rykneld Homes
- Broken internal glazing or broken external glazing which has not been broken as a result of criminal or negligent acts of third parties, for which you can provide a police incident number
- Wall and ceiling finishes we need to reinstate because you have applied additional finishes, such as plaster finished to look rustic in appearance, artex or similar material, polystyrene tiles or timber/plywood boarding.
Current and Former Tenants - Rechargeable Repairs could apply to current tenants with day to day repairs or to former tenants where the work is necessary to re-let an empty property due to their actions.
Pay for Replacements - You can pay for repairs or replacements yourself but they must be of a standard acceptable to us.
Out of Hours Repairs - Some tenants have been charged when staff have attended out of hours to carry out a repair, which was the tenant's responsibility.
All our staff carry identification badges - please ask any caller to your home to show their proof of identity
We want you to feel safe and secure in your home. For your own personal safety, it is important that you ask any caller to show you their proof of identity (all our staff and contractors carry an ID card).
All of our staff are more than happy to show you their identification card before entering your home
We provide our contractors with signs to display inside their vans - if you have any concerns with the identity of one of our contractors - please call our Customer Advice & Support Team on 01246 217670.
If you are unsure who the caller is there are some simple steps you can take:
Check to see if you know the caller from the window.
Keep your door on the chain and look to see who is calling before opening it.
Ask to see the caller's identification. They should show it to you through the crack in the door, or through the letter box. You can also check that the caller is genuine by calling us on 01246 217670.
You can ask the caller to wait outside whilst you verify their identity by calling us.
If the visitor insists they need access immediately, or before you carry out the necessary checks immediately call 999.
If in doubt - keep them out.
If you have any doubts that a caller to your home is from Rykneld Homes or working on our behalf, you can call us on 01246 217670 and we can verify their identity.
RHL Tenancy Agreement 11275 Jul21
PDF | 769Kb
Repairs & Maintenance Policy V3.3 Dec 24
PDF | 624Kb
Rechargeable Repair Policy Jun 2018 V4
PDF | 549Kb