Jobs can be hard to come by and are not usually well paid for young people.  The cost of living is increasing and you have to make sure you can pay all your bills.  There is also the expense of furnishing your new home.

If you are under 16 you cannot leave home unless there is a serious problem such as domestic violence or abuse.  If this is the case, get in touch with Social Services for advice and support.

Things to consider

It is important you look at all your options carefully before making the decision to leave your family home.  Careful planning is needed to ensure you can manage financially and emotionally.

Jobs can be hard to come by and are not usually well paid for young people.  The cost of living is increasing and you have to make sure you can pay all your bills.

There are positive things about living on your own though.  These could include:

  • More independence
  • More control over what you do and when you do it
  • You can choose the decoration and furniture you like
  • You will have more time and space for yourself

There can be drawbacks to this though, such as feeling lonely and having to take responsibility for all your own cooking, shopping, cleaning and housework.

If you are under 18, you may not be able to become a tenant of Rykneld Homes unless certain support is in place.

Think it through carefully...

The most important thing is that you consider the good and bad points of leaving home and plan your move properly.  If you have family problems, it may be better to sort things out before you leave.  Your family may be able to offer support to make your move easier and it will allow you the time to plan your move properly at a stage that suits you.  Also, your parents will be happier if they see that you are leaving at a natural stage rather than on the spur of the moment.

Money and Bills

Living on your own is expensive and you will be responsible for paying all your own bills.  Some of the bills you may have to pay are:

  • Rent
  • Council Tax
  • Gas and Electricity
  • T.V. Licence
  • Food and toiletries

Then there are all the other costs incurred when you move into your own home.  These could include:

  • Carpets and floor coverings
  • Settee
  • Television
  • Wardrobe and set of drawers
  • Bed
  • Fridge/freezer
  • Oven
  • Washing Machine

Most 16 and 17 year olds cannot claim Job Seekers Allowance or Income Support.  If you are 16 or 17 and unemployed or do not have a training place, you may be able to claim these benefits if you do not live at home.  It can be difficult to claim.

National Minimum Wage - current rates

The National Minimum Wage is the minimum amount per hour that most workers in the UK are entitled to earn.

  • £5.28 per hour for the apprentice rate (for apprentices under 19 or over 19 and in the first year of an apprenticeship)
  • £5.28 per hour for 16 to 17 year olds 
  • £7.49 per hour for 18 to 20 year olds
  • £10.18 per hour for 21 to 22 year olds
  • £10.42 per hour National Living Wage (23 year old +).

The rates are usually updated in April each year.

Neighbours and Anti Social Behaviour

When you move into a new home, it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbours.  You need to know what Anti Social Behaviour is and how it could affect your tenancy as well as the community you live in.

What is Anti Social Behaviour?

Anti Social Behaviour or ASB is the behaviour of you or a visitor to your home, which could interfere with people's right to use and enjoy their home and community.  This includes:

  • Noise
  • Verbal Abuse (this could include shouting, swearing or arguing)
  • Harassment
  • Vandalism and graffiti
  • Untidy gardens
  • Fly Tipping
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Noisy pets
  • Cars and vehicles; such as unsocial parking or carrying out repairs on the street
  • Children and young people misbehaving.


Consequences of causing Anti Social Behaviour

If you are a victim of Anti Social Behaviour, you can find more information in our Anti Social Behaviour section, including how you can make a report, how you can prevent yourself becoming a nuisance neighbour and the consequences of causing Anti Social Behaviour.

Thinking of Running Away?

As you grow up, it is only natural that you will not always see eye to eye with your parents.  This is normal although can feel overbearing and like you need your own space.

Perhaps you do not feel safe in your home due to domestic abuse or violence.

You could be experiencing problems such as bullying or involvement with drugs.

If you are thinking of running away from home - whatever the reason and whatever the problem is - there are people and organisations who can help.

Running away may not be the only option.

Advice and Support

If you are 16 or 17, you can move out as long as you have your parent or guardian's permission.  If you leave home without their permission, you could be reported to the police as a missing person and be brought home if you are considered 'at risk'.

People aged 16 or 17 will only be offered a property with Rykneld Homes if they have a support package in place through Social Services.  We also offer a tenancy support service for young tenants to ensure they get the support they need to ensure they get the best from their tenancy.

Visit the Choice Move website.

You can get support from:

  • Shelter - they are a charity who specialise in homelessness and housing and can provide information and support to young people who are thinking about running away from home
  • North East Derbyshire District Council's Housing Options Team - they can offer support to help resolve housing issues and may be able to help you if you do become homeless - call them during normal office hours on 01246 231111
  • Call Derbyshire - they can offer emergency out of hours assistance - call the duty team on 08456 058 058
  • Runaway Helpline - this is a free, confidential service for anyone under 17 years old who has run away or has been forced to leave their home - call them on 0808 800 7070
  • Childline - they offer information about why young people run away from home, what it is like to be homeless and what support is available - call them on 0800 11 11
  • Derbyshire Youth Hub - get information about travel and discounts on your b_line card, find out about education, training and work or get advice about things that are worrying you on this website run by Derbyshire County Council.

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