We aim to protect vulnerable adults and children from abuse.  If you think you, or someone you know, are being abused, we can help.

Abuse could be:

  • Physical - including hitting, slapping and punching
  • Sexual - including rape and other sexual acts to which the person has not given their consent to
  • Emotional/psychological - including threats and humiliation
  • Financial - including theft, deception and withholding what belongs to you
  • Neglect - including being left without food, heating or personal care
  • Discriminatory (including hate crime) - this can include being treated unfairly because of your age, gender, race, culture, disability, background, sexuality or illness
  • Risk of abuse - where abuse or neglect is likely to occur.


Who is classed as a vulnerable person?

Defining who is classed as vulnerable is not straightforward and it would be incorrect to assume that every elderly person is vulnerable. The government defines a vulnerable adult as someone who is 18 years of age and over and:

  • is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who
  • is or may be unable to take care of themselves, or unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.

We have a Policy for Supporting Vulnerable People, which sets out our approach to identifying and supporting vulnerable adults in North East Derbyshire.  We are also a member of the Derbyshire Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Partnership.

Who can I speak to?

If you are concerned that you, or someone you know, may be the victim of abuse, it is important that you speak to someone:

  • In an emergency, always dial 999
  • Someone you trust who provides you with help/care
  • Your GP, Nurse or Home Help
  • Someone at a day centre, residential home or another carer
  • Contact Call Derbyshire on 08456 058 058
  • Tell a trusted relative, friend or neighbour
  • Tell your Housing Officer when they visit or you can find their contact details on the 'Estate' page of the website.

You can also send us an email to contactus@rykneldhomes.org.uk and a Housing Officer will call you back, provide support and put you in touch with the right people who can help stop the abuse.

Rykneld Homes Safeguarding Policy Procedures 2024

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Delivering Services To Vulnerable People Policy March 2024

PDF | 382Kb