The Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime Act 2014 definition has ASB as:
- Conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person;
- Conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises; or
- Conduct capable of causing housing-related nuisance or annoyance to any person.
Hatred is a strong term that goes beyond simply causing offence. We define Racial Harassment and Hate Crime as an act or threat of violence, intimidation, verbal abuse or damage to property which is carried out because of hostility, prejudice or hatred of a person’s disability, gender identity, race, ethnicity or nationality, religion or belief or sexual orientation.
Hate crime can take many forms including:
- Physical attacks – such as physical assault, damage to property, offensive graffiti, neighbour disputes or arson
- Threat of attack – such as offensive letters, abusive or obscene phone calls, unfounded or malicious complaints or groups hanging around to intimidate
- Verbal abuse or insults – such as offensive leaflets or posters, abusive gestures, dumping of rubbish outside home or through a letterbox or bullying at school or in the workplace
Safe at Home - As part of the 'Safe at Home Scheme', we are working in partnership with North East Derbyshire District Council, Derbyshire Police, Derbyshire Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Service and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service.
We want to make it possible for victims of hate crime to remain in their home and feel safe by providing additional security.
For more information about the scheme, view the Safe at Home Scheme leaflet at the bottom of this page or call us on 01246 217670.
Stop Hate UK - Stop Hate UK provides anonymous and independent reporting and support to people affected by hate crime. Visit the Stop Hate UK website or call them on 0800 1381625.
We define Domestic Abuse as any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (mental, physical, emotional, financial or sexual) against you by your partner, ex-partner or another member of your family or household.
Drugs and graffiti can have a detrimental effect on your community. The buying, selling or using of drugs near to your home can leave you feeling uncomfortable or even scared.
Estate Walkabouts - We carry out regular Estate Walkabouts and Inspections to identify problems and highlight any issues on estates – including graffiti and fly tipping.
Police - If you suspect that there are drug issues around your estate, you should report your concerns to the Police as drug dealing is a criminal offence and punishable by law. Make a note of dates, times, locations and descriptions can help the Police to identify the offenders quickly.
You should also notify your Housing Officer. Any information you are able to provide will be treated confidentially.
If you live near a nuisance neighbour you may be faced with other unwanted behaviour. With verbal abuse may come physical abuse; and with bullying may come harassment, threatening behaviour and other forms of anti social behaviour.
What started as a nuisance could get out of hand and have a devastating effect on individuals and families.
Bullying and harassment could cause you to withdraw from usual activities, make you fearful to leave your home and cause you ill health and stress.
Harassment is any unwanted behaviour – it could range from unpleasant and mildly irritating behaviour right up to physical violence.
Harassment can be very difficult to live with and our mission is for all our tenants to live in a place where they are safe, happy and healthy.
If you think you are suffering harassment and abuse, it is important you tell us.
Hearing noise from your neighbours can be expected from time to time but it can become a big problem if it happens on a regular basis. People who regularly play their music too loud, hold parties late into the night or allow their dog to bark constantly can cause misery to people living close by. It is incorrect to think that noise is only anti-social late at night.
Noise problems can include:
- Barking dogs
- Loud music
- Banging doors
- DIY activities
- Raised voices
- Noisy parties
- Alarms going off all night
- Verbal and physical abuse
What you can do - think to yourself – am I being reasonable?
Your neighbours may not realise that the noise they are creating can be heard by you and is causing a disturbance. It may simply be a difference in your lifestyles or routines.
Think about why they are acting in the way they do. Consider:
- Raised voices could indicate violence in the relationship
- Comings and goings late at night could suggest they work shifts or have a family crisis
- Could they have a hearing impairment and not be aware that the volume could be causing a nuisance?
What next? - In the first instance, try to talk to your neighbour to let them know there is a problem:
- Be polite
- Think about what you are going to say beforehand
- Take a relative or friend with you if you do not want to go on your own
- Remain calm
- Listen to the other person’s point of view
What if this doesn’t work? Leave calmly and speak to your Housing Officer.
Dumping waste where it is not allowed, or allowing others to do so is a criminal offence. It is known as fly tipping and carries a fine of up to £50,000 or even a prison sentence for anyone caught.
Fly Tipping is a form of Anti Social Behaviour that can create an environment in which more serious crime can take hold.
Storing rubbish in your garden or property can encourage vermin such as rats and mice and is also a breeding ground for flies and germs.
It is anti social to store rubbish in your garden. It is not only unsightly for your neighbours but is also a health risk and can be dangerous.
If you are worried that you may be causing anti social behaviour by storing rubbish in your garden or if you would like to make a report, please get in touch with us.
Actions not considered ASB include:
- General home living such as: flushing toilets, cooking smells, smoking in own home, washing machines, babies crying, sexual noises, shift workers leaving home, people walking on floors or
upstairs, doors being shut, loud talking or laughing - People carrying out DIY jobs
- Where there is no breach in the tenancy i.e. people staring or being inconsiderate
- Noise transference due to poor sound insulation
- Pets straying across garden areas
- Children playing, arguing in the street including ball games, riding bikes or skateboards
- One-off or isolated incidents e.g. a party or argument or altercation.
Neighbourhoods Structure Community Sustainment Team
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