What is Anti Social Behaviour?

Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) can range from noisy neighbours and overgrown gardens to serious violence.  It includes general nuisance, different types of conduct or activities that could cause nuisance in a community and any unwanted behaviour.

Is there anything I can do before I contact you?

In cases of noise nuisance, for example, it is a good idea to approach the person causing the nuisance, if you feel safe to do so, to let them know that their behaviour is causing a problem.  They may not be aware of it.  Try to stay calm and if this doesn’t work, contact your Housing Officer.

Who will deal with my case?

In the first instance it will be your Housing Officer.  They will be familiar with the area you live in and the person causing the nuisance may already be known to them.  They will be able to tell you what steps to take.

How do I report an incident?

To report an incident of Anti Social Behaviour you can:

  • Complete our online form
  • Call us on 01246 217670
  • Between 4pm and 8am Monday to Friday and at the weekends, call our Out of Hours service on 08000 121 621
  • Email us at contactus@rykneldhomes.org.uk
  • Speak to your Housing Officer
  • Write to us at: Community Sustainment Team, Rykneld Homes Ltd, 2013 Mill Lane, Wingerworth, Chesterfield S42 6NG
Will my details be kept confidential?

Although we treat all information you give us and all discussions we have with you in confidence, it may be necessary for us to speak to the person responsible for the ASB but we would not tell them who made the complaint.

How long will it take to investigate an incident

This depends on the type of complaint.  In cases of serious ASB, we can take action very quickly.  In less serious cases, we will try to resolve an issue at a ‘low level’ in the first instance.  It is important we gather evidence if the ASB continues.  We will keep you up to date of our progress throughout the investigation.

Who can help?

It is important you speak to us so the Community Sustainment Officer dealing with your case can keep a log of incidents.  There are other agencies who can offer support, advice and assistance:

Neighbourhoods Structure Community Sustainment Team

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