Gardening Competition

Important Information


Gardening Competition Page Banner

With all the sunshine and showers we have been having lately, you will have seen a lot happening in your garden.

We want to celebrate the achievements of our green-fingered customers by launching the Gardening Competition, with the winner receiving £100 in vouchers.

Whether it’s beautiful flower beds, an impressive vegetable plot or simply pots overflowing with blooms, we would love to see them!

The competition closes on 31 August 2024 so there is still time to get planting and create something you can be proud of.

All you have to do to enter is take some photographs of all your hard work and email them to us.

To enter the competition, you must be a Rykneld Homes customer and the garden has to be at a Rykneld home – we will accept entries from communal gardens that you and your neighbours have worked on.

How to enter

  • Take a maximum of three digital photographs of your garden
  • Include a few words about why you like gardening and what your garden means to you
  • Include the date the photos were taken
  • Email them along with your name, address and telephone number to
  • Please mark your email – Gardening Competition

The deadline for entries is 31 August 2024.

We will feature the winning entry in a future edition of Your Rykneld and on our website.